Time Calculator - Add And Subtract Time

Use this tool to add two or more times together. Simply add the number of hours and minutes in each of the labeled fields. By default this tool will allow you to add five times together but clicking on the add more time button will allow you to add as many times together as you want. This caluclator is useful for adding time for timecards.

  1. Add hours and minutes for each time you would like to add or subtract.
  2. You can alter in between addition and subtraction by clicking the button.
  3. As you type the total time is populated in the blue box.
  4. If you need to add more times together, click on the add more time button. This will add an extra time slot. You may add as many times together as you'd like.
  1. If a time field is left blank, it will not count toward the total time so feel free to leave any fields blank (they default to zero on the back end).
  2. If anything other than numbers are entered into the field, the field will be equal to zero on the back end.
  3. This tool can calculate as many times as you want. It will take many, many times to slow the browser down. So feel free to add as many times as you like.
  1. Caculate the number of hours and minutes worked for a timecard.
  2. See how much more time is needed to meet a target time
  3. General Time Calculations
Total Time : 0 hours and 0 minutes
Add more time